How to display your contact details on your website.
How to display your contact details on your website.
How should you display your contact details on a website? Sounds an easy question, but what happens if you display your phone number as an image or your display your email as real text?
Phone Number
Contact us 020 8938 3703
What is the difference between the 2 phone numbers above, the top one is actual text and the bottom is an image. If you display this page on a smartphone the phone will automatically grab the phone number from the actual text and ask if you wish to dial it. The smart phone will ignore the phone number in the picture.
This means that there is now a good chance a potential customer will give up on your site and move to one of your competitors who make contact easier.
Email Address
Again the top email is actual text and the bottom is an image. If you display your email address on your website in real text then it is almost certain that your email address will be grabbed by a spammer and fill your inbox with rubbish. If you embed your email in an image then your email will be hidden from the spammers and protected – But you should make sure that the email image is liked to your contact page, so people can still easily contact you.
Postal Address
Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA.
Like your contact phone number your postal address should ideally be in real text especially if customers visit your premises e.g. a restaurant or shop. The reason for this is, if you display an address on a smart phone it will import it directly into the inbuilt sat nav allowing your customers to find you more easily, the same applies to some dedicated GPS devices as well.
Remember if your site is not easy to use, then visitors will simply go somewhere else.
Wikipedia states the average user spends less than 1 minute on a website when surfing from a desk. When on the move your looking at around 30 seconds.
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