Microsoft celebrates IE6 Death

Microsoft has held a tongue in cheek party to celebrate that IE6 has finally dropped below the 1% usage rate in the US as well as most of Europe. It is interesting that it still sits around 25% in china and 1.6% in the UK.

Microsoft as well as most developers and company IT departments are looking forward to the day when IE6 has gone for good.

IE6 is notoriously buggy for developers and is so full of security holes it makes swiss cheese jealous.

With usage levels at these levels most developers will now ignore the IE6 user-base as its not worth the time and money worrying about, in fact lots of sites now recommend an upgrade or even prevent you from going further if they detect you are using IE6

The only places IE6 might have a usage in the future is in internal technical situations where the software was written specifically for IE6 e.g. automation computers.