What are the Default 3COM Admin Passwords?

What are the Default 3COM Admin Passwords?

Below are all the default usernames and passwords for 3com devices; Often default passwords are needed either when you try to access a new device you have just purchased or if you have had to do a factory reset after a failed bios update or perhaps you have forgotten the user name and or password you created for your device.

Default Admin Password

Default Admin Password

The problem is more often or not when you actually need to dig out the paperwork that came with the device you purchased 5 years ago you find it has gone walkie s. That is where the list below comes in it shows all the passwords and usernames for each model, even if your device is not mentioned as its a newer model or a new type of device by the manufacturer you should be able to see a pattern to guess the likely default password.


Default Usernames and Passwords.

Vendor Model Version Access Type Username PASSWORD Privileges
3com 812 HTTP Administrator admin Admin
3com 3c16405 Multi n/a (none) Admin
3com 3c16405 Console Administrator (none) Admin
3com 3C16405 Multi admin (none) Admin
3com 3c16405 Console Administrator (none) Admin
3com 3C16406 Multi admin (none) Admin
3com 3C16450 Multi admin (none) Admin
3com 3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300XM Multi security security Admin
3com 3CRADSL72 1.2 Multi (none) 1234admin Admin
3com 3CRWDR100A-72 2.06 (Sep 21 2005 14:24:48) HTTP admin 1234admin Admin
3com CB9000 / 4007 3 Console Type User: FORCE (none) Admin
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech tech User
3com cellplex 7000 Telnet admin admin Admin
3com cellplex 7000 Telnet operator (none) Admin
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet root (none) Admin
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech (none) Admin
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet admin admin Admin
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech tech Admin
3com cellplex 7000 Multi admin admin Admin
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet root (none) Admin
3com cellplex 7000 Telnet operator (none) Admin
3com CellPlex 7000 Telnet tech (none) Admin
3com CellPlex HTTP admin synnet Admin
3com cellplex Multi admin admin Admin
3com cellplex Multi n/a (none) Admin
3com cellplex Multi admin admin Admin
3com CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet debug synnet
3com CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet tech tech
3com CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet n/a admin Admin
3com CoreBuilder 7000/6000/3500/2500 Telnet n/a (none) Admin
3com HiPerACT v4.1.x Telnet admin (none) Admin
3com HiPerACT v4.1.x Telnet admin (none) Admin
3com HiPerACT v4.1.x Telnet admin (none) Admin
3com HiPerARC v4.1.x Telnet adm (none)
3com HiPerARC v4.1.x Telnet adm (none) Admin
3com Internet Firewall 3C16770 HTTP admin password Admin
3com LANplex 2500 Telnet debug synnet
3com LANplex 2500 Telnet tech tech
3com LANplex 2500 Telnet tech (none) Admin
3com LANplex 2500 Telnet n/a admin Admin
3com LinkSwitch 2000/2700 Telnet tech tech
3com NetBuilder SNMP ANYCOM snmp-read
3com NetBuilder SNMP ILMI snmp-read
3com Netbuilder Multi admin (none) Admin
3com NetBuilder SNMP (none) admin User
3com Netbuilder Multi admin (none) Admin
3com Netbuilder HTTP Root (none) Admin
3com office connect 11g Multi admin (none) User
3com Office Connect ISDN Routers 5×0 Telnet n/a PASSWORD Admin
3com Office Connect ISDN Routers 5×0 Telnet? n/a PASSWORD Admin
3com officeconnect Multi n/a (none) Admin
3com officeconnect Multi admin (none) Admin
3com OfficeConnect 812 ADSL 01.50-01 Multi admin (none) Admin
3com OfficeConnect 812 ADSL 01.50-01 Multi admin (none) Admin
3com OfficeConnect 812 ADSL Multi adminttd adminttd Admin
3com OfficeConnect 812 ADSL Multi Administrator admin Admin
3com OfficeConnect ADSL Wireless 11g Firewall Router 3CRWDR100-72 HTTP (none) admin Admin
3com OfficeConnect Wireless 11g Cable/DSL Gateway HTTP (none) admin Admin
3com OfficeConnect Wireless 11g Cable/DSL Gateway HTTP (none) admin Admin
3com Shark Fin Comcast-supplied HTTP User Password Diagnostics page
3com SS III Switch 4xxx (4900 – sure) Telnet recovery recovery resets_all_to_default
3com SS III Switch 4xxx (4900 – sure) Telnet recovery recovery resets_all_to_default
3com super Telnet admin (none) Admin
3com SuperStack 3 4400-49XX Multi manager manager User can access/change operational setting but not security settings
3com SuperStack 3 4XXX Multi admin (none) Admin
3com SuperStack 3 4XXX Multi monitor monitor User
3com superstack II 1100/3300 Console 3comcso RIP000 initialize
3com superstack II Netbuilder 11.1 Multi n/a (none) Admin
3com SuperStack II Switch 2200 Telnet debug synnet
3com SuperStack II Switch 2700 Telnet tech tech
3com SuperStack II Switch 2700 Telnet tech tech Admin
3com Switch 3300XM Multi admin admin Admin
3com Switch 3300XM Multi admin admin Admin


For more Tutorials and Hints & TipsĀ  on passwords check our Security Section or our general Hints and Tips section


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