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  • VennerCorp 20:51 on July 26, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: , How To, , ,   

    How to add Google Plus to your website 

    How to add the new Google Plus button to your website.

    What is Google Plus?
    Google Plus is Googles’s latest foray into the social network world, they have made attempts in the past with Buzz and Wave, but they never really took off. If the talk from the beta testers and the early reviews is correct, they may finally have cracked it, and created if not a Facebook killer then at the very least an application that will take some of Facebook’s market share.

    Google Plus in lots of ways is similar to Facebook, users can personalise lists of friends and stream news feeds, but there are a few key differences & features.

    • A +1 button is now displayed next to all your search results in Google; this allows you to recommend pages easily to your friends.When your friend sees one of your recommend sites in the search results it will show that your have recommended it. Recommend pages will start to appear higher in the results for your friends and eventually sites will lots of recommendations will start to move up the rankings.
    • Google Plus allows you set up and put people into circles of friends. People in the circles can only see the comments and content that is allowed in that circle.
    • It is integrated into all your other Google accounts, so you can easily pull items in from Picasso or Youtube.
    • The SPARKS part of Google Plus integrates a feature similar to twitter.
    • HANGOUT – allows you to pull users together for a group video chat.

    Why would you want to put a Plus Button on your site!
    Google have already stated that the recommendations produced by the Plus 1 button will start to affect the search engine rankings of your site. E.g. Sites that have lots of plus 1’s will spear higher in the rankings that sites with few or none.

    How to add it to your website?
    If it is very easy to add a Plus 1 button, just copy and paste the code below into your website.

    Place the code below in your header or just before your close body tag.
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

    Place the code below at the point you would like the button to be.

    • Standard Button –<g:plusone></g:plusone>
    • Small Button – <g:plusone size=”small”></g:plusone>
    • Medium Button – <g:plusone size=”medium”></g:plusone>
    • Tall Button – <g:plusone size=”tall”></g:plusone>

    If you want to link to a different page use the code below. – Just replace the “” with the webpage’s address.
    <g:plusone href=””></g:plusone&gt;

  • VennerCorp 20:35 on July 25, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: , Hacker, , movie, , ,   

    The Top 5 Computer Movies 

    Below are the top 5 computer Movies in existence. They might not have the latest technology or in most cases be realistic with the computers capabilities, the graphics, or the speed of the internet at that time. But they are perfect for when your inner geek or nerd needs a quick fix or just to laugh at some of the antiquated technology.

    1. The Net 1995
    Angela Bennett’s a software analyst who works remotely from home and has few friends or family outside of cyberspace. Taking her first vacation in years she becomes embroiled in a web of computer espionage when her life is deleted and her friends are killed.
    Killer Quote – Is that business or pleasure? Is there a difference? Not a great deal if you’re a hacker.
    Technology – Mac OS 7.

    2. Hackers 1995
    A 12 year old boy writes a computer virus that crashed fifteen hundred and seven computers in one day; he is then banned from touching a machine until his 18th birthday. Just after his 18th birthday Dade and his new hacker friends are framed for planting a virus in a supercomputer by an evil super hacker, they must then race against the clock to prove their innocence and stop the virus before it causes the world’s largest oil spill.
    Killer Quote – Hack the planet! Hack the planet!
    Technology – Apple Powerbook 540c.

    3. Antitrust 2001
    Milo is hired after college to help NURV to write the software for their new global satellite communication system, he then finds out there are hidden secrets at the company when code starts appearing, written by recently deceased programmers around the country.
    Killer Quote – You’re either a one or a zero. Alive or dead.
    Technology – GNU/Linux.

    4. WarGames 1983
    A young computer wizard accidentally breaks into the top secret war playing computer at NORAD while searching for the latest computer game. He starts playing a game of thermo nuclear war not realising that the computer is trying to play for REAL.
    Can he convince the generals at NORAD to stop the computer before it starts world war 3?
    Killer Quote – Shall we play a game?
    Technology – IMSAI 8080.

    5. Firewall 2006
    A master criminal kidnaps a banks security manager’s family to force him to hack into his own bank to steal $100 million.
    Killer Quote – Honey, I need to borrow your iPod.
    Technology – Ipod.

  • VennerCorp 11:10 on July 15, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: Spelling,   

    Check your Spelling! 

    Why you should check your spelling before pressing the upload button!

  • VennerCorp 20:45 on July 13, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: Hacking, ,   

    How To Create A Secure Password

    With all the hacking in the news at the moment, lots of people are asking, how do I create a secure password, to keep my email account/computer/bank account/Amazon account etc, secure and protected from unwanted intrusion.

    Below is a quick guide to creating a secure password.How to Create a Secure Password

    The top most common passwords are;

    1. qwerty
    2. god
    3. 12345
    4. password
    5. letmein
    6. Peoples Names e.g. Thomas, James, Sarah.
    7. Pet Names. E.g. whiskers
    8. Sport Clubs E.g. Arsenal or the Red Socks
    9. TV show names or characters. E.g. rachaelgreen
    10. Movie names or characters. E.g. tomcruise
    11. Animals E.g. Monkey.

    The above password examples, are the first that a hacker or one of their password sniffer programs will try to crack your account.

    To create a password that will protect you and your information/money, you will need to mix it up a bit and think outside the box.

    1. Have a minimum length of 7 characters E.g *******
    2. Have a mixture of upper and lower case characters E.g. e*cA***
    3. Have a few numbers in the mix E.g. e9cA*1*
    4. Have a symbol or two E.g. e9cA&1!

    You should also change your password regularly to stop people sneaking a look over your shoulder.

    So e9cA&1! is a great password but not very memorable and obviously you don’t want to write it down, as that defeats the object of creating a secure password in the first place. But you can create a memorable password that is almost as secure by combining the secure methods with something that you will remember.

    How about these they are both memorable and secure!

    • tom23CruisE&
    • arSenaL1£9

    It is important to remember that no password is totally secure if someone has enough time and money they will be able to crack it, what you are trying do is make it so difficult and time consuming to break in they will move onto someone else’s.

  • VennerCorp 21:26 on May 24, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: , search, , ,   

    As previously mentioned  it can be difficult and time consuming to find sites that offer free “dofollow” links, so we are providing a list of another 10 websites that offer free dofollow links.

    List of 10 Do Follow websites.

  • VennerCorp 20:27 on May 8, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: Directories, , , Submission,   

    How to submit a website to the search engines. 

    Submitting your new website to the major search engines is the first thing you should do once your website has gone live. After all there is no point having a website if no one I going to be able to find it.

    You should only need to do this once and for a new website, after your site has aged and has acquired incoming links from other websites, the search engines should automatically find it and any updates.


    No registration required.


    Free registration required.


    No registration required.


    No registration is required but you will need to choose the best location in their directory for your site.

    DMOZ is not a search engine itself, but it is used by a lot of other search engines and directories to help place your site. Google also uses it to get accurate site descriptions for their listings.

  • VennerCorp 15:30 on April 17, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: , Screenshots,   

    How to get a IPHONE Screenshot. 

    People often ask how do I create a screen shot on my Iphone, as I need use it for development, to prove my game score or to save a reference number etc.

    Creating a screenshot on a IPhone, is actually very simple, all you need to do is press the home button and the on/off button located at the top right hand edge at the same time. You will then hear the camera click sound to confirm the screen has been grabbed.

    The screen shot picture will be saved in your pictures folder ready to be emailed or pulled off manually when you connect your IPhone to your Mac or PC.

    To get more technical support or help with your IPhone, Mac or PC why not give us a ring or send us an email?

  • VennerCorp 19:05 on April 12, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: 02, 3, Answer Phone, , Orange, Phone, , Vodaphone   

    How to turn off the answer phone on your mobile phone! 

    There are many occasions when you might need to turn off your phone;
    1.    Go abroad.
    2.    Testing.
    3.    Using the SIM in devices other that a mobile e.g. tablets etc.

    But the instructions are often buried deep in their instructions if they bother to tell you at all, so I have grouped the instructions together for you in one easy to find resource.

    To turn the answer phone off:
    •    Dial 1210 and press send.

    To turn the answer phone on:
    •    Dial 1211 and press send.

    To turn the answer phone off or on:
    •    Contact customer services on 150 and ask them to turn it on or off.
    •    Some handsets allow you to adjust the settings from the menus.

    To turn the answer phone off:
    •    Dial 1760 and press send.

    To turn the answer phone on:
    •    Dial 1750 and press send.

    To turn the answer phone off or on:
    •    Contact customer services on 1913 and ask them to turn it on or off.
    •    Some handsets allow you to adjust the settings from the menus.

  • VennerCorp 21:57 on March 31, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: dofollow, , ,   

    10 Dofollow Links for your Website 

    Getting incoming links to your website is the most important way of increasing your website search engine ranking. But most sites that offer links use a “nofollow” attribute to stop the search engines counting the link.
    Because it can be difficult and time consuming to find sites that offer free “dofollow” links i am providing a list of 10 websites that offer free links to get you going.

    List of 10 Do Follow websites.

  • VennerCorp 20:32 on March 24, 2011 Permalink |
    Tags: ,   

    Ipad2 out tomorrow, Let the countdown commence! 

    Go to to get your new apple gadget.

    • jasper 20:37 on March 24, 2011 Permalink

      can’t wait. i’m going to get mine tomorrow

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