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  • VennerCorp 12:00 on December 11, 2011 Permalink |  

    2011 top topics on twitter 

    Twitter have announced  2011’s top 8 # Tags and top 10 technology topics, and they make interesting reading.

    Apple dominate the technology trends for another year by having 4 slots (ipod,ipad,iphone,mac app store) in the top 10.

    Charlie sheen come in 2nd place out of the top 8 hash tags with #tigerblood!

    Top 8 Hashtags

    1. #egypt
    2. #tigerblood
    3. #threewordstoliveby
    4. #idontunderstandwhy
    5. #japan
    6. #improudtosay
    7. #superbowl
    8. #jan25

    Top 10 Technology Topics.

    1.  Mac App Store
    2. Sony NGP
    3. Guitar Hero
    4. Mozilla Firefox
    5. Duke Nukem Forever
    6. iPad
    7. iPhone
    8. Nintendo 3DS
    9. Mortal Kombat
    10. iPod

    For more information visit twitter below.

  • VennerCorp 13:03 on December 4, 2011 Permalink |  

    How to display your contact details on your website.

    How should you display your contact details on a website? Sounds an easy question, but what happens if you display your phone number as an image or your display your email as real text?

    Phone Number

     Contact us 020 8938 3703

    What is the difference between the 2 phone numbers above, the top one is actual text and the bottom is an image. If you display this page on a smartphone the phone will automatically grab the phone number from the actual text and ask if you wish to dial it. The smart phone will ignore the phone number in the picture.

    This means that there is now a good chance a potential customer will give up on your site and move to one of your competitors who make contact easier.

    Email Address

    Again the top email is actual text and the bottom is an image. If you display your email address on your website in real text then it is almost certain that your email address will be grabbed by a spammer and fill your inbox with rubbish. If you embed your email in an image then your email will be hidden from the spammers and protected – But you should make sure that the email image is liked to your contact page, so people can still easily contact you.

    Postal Address

      Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA.

    Like your contact phone number your postal address should ideally be in real text especially if customers visit your premises e.g. a restaurant or shop. The reason for this is, if you display an address on a smart phone  it will  import it directly into the inbuilt sat nav allowing your customers to find you more easily, the same applies to some dedicated GPS devices as well.



    Remember if your site is not easy to use, then visitors will simply go somewhere else.

    Wikipedia states the average user spends less than 1 minute on a website when surfing from a desk. When on the move your looking at around 30 seconds.

  • VennerCorp 14:55 on November 25, 2011 Permalink |  

    Google is Killing off even more products. 

    Google  has announced  in its official blog   that is is going to shut down even more of its products.

    • Google Wave – Google’s attempt to combine instant messaging & email for real time collaboration with your friends and colleagues.
    • Google Bookmarks List – Allows you to share book marks with your friends.
    • Google Friends Connect – Provides the ability to place social features on your sites by embedding a snippet of code.
    • Google Gears –  Way for your web browser to keep its functionality when working offline.
    • Google Search Timeline – Historical query results.
    • Knol – a bit like Wikipedia.
    • Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal –  looking at ways to improve solar power.

    Google says this is just to stream line its product base so it can concentrate on its popular products. But it does make you wonder what will be next on the block.

  • VennerCorp 16:41 on November 20, 2011 Permalink |  

    How to create & setup a Business Page on Google 

    How to create & setup a Business Page on Google+

     Businesses are now allowed to create a page on Google+, thus giving you a presence on Google’s new social network that is similar to Facebook’s Pages.

    To create and setup your page, login to your Google account then go to the Google+ tab in the top left hand corner. If you now scroll down to the bottom you will find the “create a page” button.

    Google will now ask you to select the best category for your business, out of: Local Business or Place; Product or Brand; Company, Institution or Organisation; Arts, Entertainment or Sports; and Other.

    Depending on the category you select you might have to select a sub category.

    If you select Local Business you will also have to pinpoint your location.

    Now enter a tagline for your new page and upload a photo or business logo. At this point Google gives you an option to tell any existing followers on your personal Google+ account about your new page.

    That’s it; you can now create posts and upload photos and videos.


    To promote your page, Google+ provides a badge that will take users directly to your Page, and which you can add to your website or other profiles. You will also get a unique URL on your homepage which you can share.


    To get your badge or unique URL go to the “Get Started” button located under your main logo on the top left hand side.

    Your badge can be found under “Connect your website”.

    Your URL can be found under “Tell the world” header.


    It is important to remember you cannot sell or lease a Page without Google’s permission.

  • VennerCorp 17:44 on November 13, 2011 Permalink |  

    Adobe is Abandoning Mobile Flash! 

    Adobe is halting future Development of its mobile plugin, meaning its  upcoming release of Flash Player 11.1 for Android and the BlackBerry PlayBook will be the last.

    Adobe has made this move partly because of apples dominance in the mobile sector and its refusal to support flash on it mobile phones and tablets.  Also Microsoft’s recent decision to also not support flash on its windows 8 tablets was probably the final nail in the coffin.

    Adobes official explanation is the it now believes the alternative HTML 5 technology offers the “best solution” because it is “universally supported”.


    This only affects mobile devices as Flash for desktop machine and laptops is still going strong.

    For more information please see the post put on Adobes online Blog

  • VennerCorp 16:15 on November 6, 2011 Permalink |  

    How to add UK holidays to your iphone calender 

    Below is a simple guide to enable you to easily add the future and past national holiday dates for the UK, US or almost any other country to your Iphone or Ipad.

    Apple provides a useful feature in IOS 4 and greater that allows you to subscribe to any Public Internet Calendar. Apple also makes things easy by proving its own Public Internet Calendars.

    Follow the steps below.

    • Unlock your Iphone or Ipad.
    • Tap the “Settings” Icon.
    • Tap “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”.
    • Scroll down and tap “Add Account”.
    • Tap “Other”.
    • Tap “Add Subscribed Calendar”.
    • Locate the server field input box and enter the URL of you desired calendar

    e.g. UK –

    US –

    • Tap “Next”.
    • If you want to you can change the name of the calendar on the next screen under “description”
    •  When you are happy Tap “save”.


    You now have every UK holiday or US Holiday in the Iphone or Ipad Calendar app. They are viewable just like any other appointment.


    Follow the link below to find all of Apple’s Public Internet Calendars


    You can also use the same method above to import Google Calendars.

    • chris 14:02 on April 16, 2012 Permalink

      Really useful, thanks!

    • Ade 11:43 on April 24, 2012 Permalink

      Been looking for this for ages, thanks!
      Just a shame it doesn’t distinguish between “special” days (like the saints days or british summer time start and end etc.) and public/bank holidays but still very useful.

    • Narayan Sapkota 11:01 on February 1, 2013 Permalink

      Try opening March 2013 on monthly view, Calender crashes. No fix for this issue until you update to ios 6.1

    • Jenny 09:31 on April 15, 2013 Permalink

      Thanks for this, but how can I get the UK holidays to appear on my Macbook as well as iPad?

    • VennerCorp 19:03 on April 15, 2013 Permalink

      You should be able to do the same with the calender on your Mac.
      Look for “Add Subscribed Calendar” or internet calender under the calender settings.

    • Phil 12:46 on October 23, 2013 Permalink


    • Dave 12:21 on February 9, 2014 Permalink

      Brilliant, still working on latest iPad and iOS. Thanks.

  • VennerCorp 16:06 on October 30, 2011 Permalink |  

    Suggested content for Facebook 

    Facebook Content

    1. Pictures
    2. Video
    3. Tutorials
    4. Self help instructions
    5. News Updates
    6. Special Offers.
    7. Support Questions
    8. Events
    9. Product special offers
    10. Links to helpful websites.


    Remember the reason  you are on the facebook social networks is to build up a large base of customers that your can target directly for future business, so you need make your accounts as attractive to people as possible and make them want to follow and interact with your business in the real word.

  • VennerCorp 16:34 on October 23, 2011 Permalink |  

    Gmail Account Disabled Reason 4 

    If you use Google’s own Gmail interface to access your email then you must not send an email to more than 500 people at a time. If you send a message to more than 500 recipients via the “TO”,”CC” or “BCC” fields Google will disable you account for around 24 to 72 hours and give you a “Gmail Lockdown in Section 4” error.

  • VennerCorp 16:04 on October 16, 2011 Permalink |  

    Gmail Account Disabled Reason 3 

    If you use en email client e.g. thunderbird or outlook to access your Gmail account via POP3 or IMAP you must not send an email to more that 100 people at a time. If you do then Google will disable your account for a 24 hour period. You will get “550 5.4.5 Daily sending quota exceeded.” error.

  • VennerCorp 21:29 on October 12, 2011 Permalink |  

    Apple IOS 5 Released Today 

    Apple’s new operating system IOS 5 for the Iphone, Ipad and Ipod touch is Released Today.

    Check it out at or download via itunes.

    Features include;

    • Notification Center
    • iMessage
    • Newsstand
    • Reminders
    • Twitter
    • Camera
    • Photos
    • Safari
    • PC Free



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